Merit | Diversity

The articles listed below have been written by members of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship.

The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the society. Click on the author to read the listing.

The Politics of Preference: A catalogue of criticisms of employment equity, unpublished

Furedy, J.   (1997)

 Political correctness and the culture of comfort: an impediment to observation, objectivity and the conflict of ideas. Integ. Phys. & Beh. Science, 32:299-302.

Irvine, A. (1996)

Jack & Jill and employment equity. Dialogue. 35:225-91

Irvine, A. (1998)

Towards equality of opportunity. University Affairs , 39(8), p. 23.

Kimura, D. (1997)

Affirmative action policies are demeaning to women in academia. Canadian Psychology, 38, 238-243.

Kimura, D. (1999)

Affirmative action is junk science. National Post, 26 July, p.A14

Compelling diversity through discrimination. Academic Questions, Vol. 16, 2:46-54.

Universities and Scholarship in the Modern Democracy. Presented at the Annual SAFS Meeting, in a Symposium entitled: Academic Issues in Higher Education: Focus on Fundamentals, University of Toronto, 20-21 June 1998.