Author Index

Author list:

All the articles that appeared in the Newsletter, sorted by author:

Abramson, Darren Adams, Dia Adams, Mike S. Adelman, Jacob Ahmari, Sohrab Allemang, John Altman, Rachel Anderson, Calum Anderson, Ross Anderssen, Erin Asher, Jeffrey Awrey, Ralph Ayele, Yabsira Backman, Philip Baerlocher, Mark O. Bajorek-DeLater, Emily Balch, Stephen H. Bali, Paul Barkoukis, Leah Barone, Michael Bauer, Henry H.
  • Howl 1998 - Issue #21
Baylis, Francoise Beaulé, Sophie Behme, Christina Benatar, David Bennett, Alexandra Berezin, Alexander A.
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #16
  • NSERC Funding System: Oppressive… - Issue #22
Berkowitz, Peter Bernstein, David E. Berret, Dan Beyerstein, Dale Birchard, Karen Bird, Malcolm G. Birgeneau, Robert Blatchford, Christie Boehringer, Kathe Boesveld, Sarah Bollinger, Lee C. Bosher, J. F.
  • Review: "Academic Freedom in Canada: a History", by Michael Horn - Issue #24
Bosman, Julie Boucher, Joanne Bowal, Peter Bowler, Gerry Bradshaw, James Brancaccio, Nick Branswell, Helen Braun, Stefan Brean, Joseph Brown, Grant A. Brown, James Robert Brown, Louise Bruno, Walter Bryant, Lynne Carpay, John Cassan, Susan Ceci, Stephen Chambers, Stuart Charbonneau, Léo Charen, Mona Chavez, Linda Chen, Dalson Chen, Karen Chesser, Matt Chong, Gordon
  • The Terrible Twins: EE and AA - Issue #12
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #13
Christensen, Ferrel
  • Students Question Quotas: Alberta - Issue #4
Church, Elizabeth Clandfield, David
  • Letters to Editor - Issue #24
Clark, Aaron Clark, Jim Clark, Lorraine Clark, Lorrie Clifton, Rodney A. Cody, Carolyn Cole, Jonathan R. Collard, Mark Collins, Robin Cook, Deborah
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #13
  • Unmasking The Dreaded “L” Word: The Political Context Of The Equity Debate - Issue #15
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #17
Cooper, Barry Covell, Kathy
  • Employment Inequity - Issue #4
Coyne, Andrew Crawford, Charles
  • Academic Freedom in the Inclusive University - Issue #11
  • Painful Struggle At SFU - Issue #17
Csepregi, Gabor Cull, Barry W. Cummins, Kathleen Curran, Peggy Dank, Barry
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #17
Dass, Nirmal Davenport, Paul Davis, Deshontanae Davis, Philip G.
  • Educational Equity and Its Intellectual Baggage: CAUT Bulletin Supplement on the Status of Women - Issue #5
  • Review: "Moral Panic: Biopolitics Rising", by John Fekete - Issue #11
  • The Use and Abuse of Systemic Discrimination - Issue #26
Davis, Steven
  • Why SAFS? - Issue #8
Deane, Patrick Defert, Jean-Jacques Dekoning, Brian DeLater, James Albert Deshman, Abby Desiderio, Andrew Detsky, Allan S. Diener, Ed Doughart, Jackson Dowbiggin, Ian Downs, Donald A. Dreyer, Frederick Duchesne, Ricardo Dudley, Michael Eaton, Curtis Edmiston, Jake Edwards, Jack Elliott, Matt Epstein, Joseph Erlanger, Steven Farrell, Warren Farrow, Douglas Featherstone, Peter Feith, David Fernández-Armesto, Felipe Fiamengo, Janice Fidela, Jenifer Finkin, Mathew W. Finley, David Fish, Stanley Fizyoloji, Sakire Pogun
  • Employment Equity -- a View from Abroad - Issue #11
Flaherty, Colleen Flanagan, Tom Foldi, Matthew Fontanaud, Helène Forde, Carmel Foster, Drew Franklin, Steven French, David Friedersdorf, Conor Frost, Greg Fulford, Robert Fund, John Furedi, Frank Furedy, Christine Furedy, John Gerrie, James Gerson, Jen Gindi, Carmen Girard, Amy Giroday, Gabrielle Glater, Jonathan D. Goldberg, Jonah Goldstein, Evan Gooch, Paul Gorelick, Root Granatstein, J. L.
  • Academic Freefall: Whatever Happened to Free Speech? - Issue #7
Grayson, J. Paul
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #17
Groarke, Louis Gruhn, Ruth
  • The Art Of The Possible: Modifying The Discrimination/Harassment Policy At The University Of Alberta - Issue #17
Hadzilacos, Vassos Haggerty, Kevin D. Halvorseen, Thor L. Hamilton, Graeme Hampson, Elizabeth Hanscom, Aaron Harshman, Richard Hausman, Patricia Heinrichs, Terry
  • Who Exactly Is Hurt By "Hurtful Speech" Or Whatever Happened To Sticks And Stones...? - Issue #13
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #14
Heller, Marc Hempstead, Doug Henninger, Daniel Henshel, Dick
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #14
  • Following Up On The Tri-Council Code - Issue #15
Heriot, Gail Herman, Peter Hess, Frederick M. Hickey, Joseph Higgins, John Highfield, Roger Hilborn, Kenneth H.W. Hill, Art Hitchens, Christopher Hoag, Christina Holmes, Richard Hoppe, David Hopper, Tristin Horn, Michiel
  • Academic Freedom And Tenure Part One: An Academic Good, A Societal Benefit - Issue #15
  • Academic Freedom And Tenure Part Two: Linked And Threatened - Issue #16
  • Self-Censorship - Issue #19
Horowitz, David Horsman, Geoff Howard, Albert Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E. Howlett, Karen Humphreys, Adrian Hungerford, Nichole Hunter, Ian Innis, Nancy Irvine, Andrew David Isaacs, Tracy Ivision, John Jacobs, Ryan Jacobson, William A. Jacoby, Jeff Jaschik, Scott Jerema, Carson Jiménez, Marina Joffe, Alexander H. Johnson, KC Jonas, George Jump, Paul Kabbany, Jennifer Kaminer, Wendy Katz, Albert Katzman, Joe
  • 'Campus Codes'… but Codes for What? - Issue #9
Kay, Barbara Kay, Jonathan Keeney, Patrick Kennedy, Michael Kheiriddin, Tasha Khoury, Joseph Kimura, Doreen Kirsanow, Peter Klatt, Heinz-Joachim Knopff, Rainer Knowles, Sid Kohler, Nicholas Kurtz, Stanley Kuxdorf, Manfred
  • Zero Tolerance in the Year 1933 - Issue #6
Kyle, Todd Lake, Richard Lakhani, Nina Lappin, Shalom Larsen, Kris Laucius, Joanne Lauerman, John Lederman, Doug Leduc, Laurent Lees, James Leishman, Rory Leo, John Lerner, Maura Lesh, Matthew Levant, Ezra
  • The University of Alberta: "Anti-Racism" Racism - Issue #6
Lewin, Tamar Lewis, Charles Lewis, Harriet Libin, Kevin Lidman, Melanie Lindsay, Pamela Loftus, Elizabeth F. Loman, John Loney, Martin
  • Researching The Equity Industry Part One: Disinformation And "Double Disadvantage” - Issue #13
  • Researching The Equity Industry Part Two: Academe's Diversity Disciples - Issue #14
  • Robert Birgeneau's Legacy at U of T - Issue #38
Lowrey, Kathleen Lucas, Adam J. Lukas, Carrie Lukianoff, Greg Lupker, Steve Mac Donald, Heather Macedo, Diane MacKinnon, John E. MacNeil, John David MacRae, Sinclair A. Maitzen, Stephen Makan, I. J. Malesic, Jonathan Maller, M.D., Everett Mann, Richard Mansur, Salim Maranto, Robert Marantz, Paul Marcus, Kenneth L. Marsh, Leslie Mather, Mark McCallum, Myles McDonald, Henry Mcgurn, William McKeever, Paul
  • Letter to Editor - Issue #23
McMahon, Tamsin McMurtry, Jim McNally, William Mehta, Rick Mercer, Mark Mercier, Adèle Meyer, Theo Meynell, Letitia Miles, Murray Milke, Mark Miller, Barbara D. Miller, Jack Miller, Shane Mitchell, Charles Moore, John Moshman, David Moynihan, Michael C. Muehlbauer, Jeff Mueller, John Murphy, Meghan Murphy, Rex Murray, Charles Murrell, David
  • Matin Yaqzan and the UNB Administration: A Colleague's Account - Issue #5
  • Report on the Conference: "When Rights Collide" - Issue #9
Narveson, Jan Navarro-Genie, Marco Naylor, David Neff, Blake Neily, Marianne Bluger Nelson, Allan
  • Bill 79: "Employment Equity" Comes To Ontario - Issue #2
Nyborg, Helmuth O'Connor, Joe O'Neill, Brendan O'Neill, Patrick Offman, Craig Olson, Kirby Orwin, Clifford Page, Daniel R. Page, Stewart Paglia, Camille Palmer, John Palmer, Michael Pangle, Thomas
  • Letters to Editor - Issue #24
Pardy, Bruce Patai, Daphne
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #16
Pateras, Nick Peritz, Ingrid Perrott, Stephen B. Perry, Mark Persinger, Michael A. Pessin, Andrew Pettigrew, Todd Pfeffer, Anshel Pincourt, Charles Pinker, Steven Piper, Martha Polanyi, John Pomeroy, Ross Porter, Dave Post, Robert Price, Robert Grant Ramsay, Mark Rancourt, Denis G. Redden, Elizabeth Redding, Richard E. Resnick, Philip
  • Hiring Ad Policy At UBC - Issue #17
Riddell, Jessica Rinner, Claus Robert, Jason Scott Robinson, Jim Rosen, Jay Rosenfeld, Elliott Ross, Regan Rothman, Noah Rubenstein, Hymie Rushton, Phillippe J. Russell, Rachael Ryan, James A.
  • Susan Haack: Essential Reading for SAFS - Issue #23
Sadler, Justin Salzinger, Kurt Salzman, Philip Carl Sample, Ian Samuel, Alisa Schallhorn, Kaitlyn Schmidt, Peter Schmidt, Sarah Seeman, Neil Selick, Karen Seligman, Clive Selley, Chris Shallit, Jeffrey
  • ‘Censorship U’ Gets Another Rebuke - Issue #19
Shepherd, Lindsay Shibley, Robert L. Shulman, Harvey Silverglade, Harvey Singer, Ben Slade, Daryl Smallwood, Scott Smealliek, Kyle Smith, David
  • Intellectual Guerrilla Warfare: Report on the Workshop at the SAFS Conference, May 7, 1994 - Issue #8
  • Review: "Fair New World", by Lou Tafler - Issue #11
Smith, Travis D. Smyth, Bill Soave, Robbie Sokoloff, Heather Solow, Harrison Solway, David Sommers, Christina Hoff Soots, Krista
  • Equity To The Rescue - Issue #16
Sorrentino, Richard M. Sowell, Thomas Spencer, I. Khalil J.
  • University Of Hawaii Reviews Sexual Harassment Investigation And Advocacy Function - Issue #18
Spencer, Robert Srebrnik, Henry Staddon, John Steele, Shelby Steiger, James Stern, Leonard Stewart, Penny Steyn, Mark Suedfeld, Peter Sullivan, Philip A. Summers, Lawrence Taborsky, Edwina
  • Review: "Crash-Test Dummies? Canada's Experiments With Free Speech," By Paul Trout - Issue #13
Talmage, Kate Taranto, James Taylor, Peter Shawn Tedesco, Theresa Thacker, Robert Thernstrom, Stephan Thompson, Fred Tibbetts, Janice Tierney, John Todd, Douglas Trevena, Claire
  • Sexual Politics UBC-Style - Issue #12
Turk, James Turley, Jonathan Tuttons, Michael Urowitz, Jack van der Horst, Pieter W. Vanderwolf, Sarah Velderman, Ben VerBruggen, Robert Viminitz, Paul Voyer, Graeme
  • Letters To The Editor - Issue #14
  • Philosophical Roots Of Affirmative Action - Issue #16
Vrscay, Edward R. Wallace, Alanna Walters, Marianne Warrick, David
  • "Politicizing the Classroom": Report on Conference Held at Carleton University - Issue #8
Waterfield, Bruno Watson, Paul Joseph Webb, James Wente, Margaret Werbics, J.R. Westhaver, Augie Westhues, Kenneth White, David Whitley, Rob Widdowson, Frances Wilders, Geert Will, George F. Williams, Wendy Wilson, Robin Wisse, Ruth R. Wong, Paul T. P.
  • A New Strategy to Combat the New Orthodoxy - Issue #8
Wood, Peter Wubnig, Judy
  • The CAUT Brief - Issue #1
  • The Canadian Philosophical Association: Socrates vs. Thrasymachus - Issue #1
  • Lewis Report On Racism In Ontario - Issue #2
  • Canadian Philosophic Association Becomes PC - Issue #2
  • The University in Jeopardy: Toronto Conference, March 12, 1993 - Issue #3
  • Two Case Studies of Attacks on Academic Freedom from Non-Academic Policies - Issue #3
  • The Ontario Women's Directorate: Dictating How to Speak the Queen's English - Issue #3
  • Canadian Philosophical Association Rejects Mail Ballots - Issue #4
  • Does OCUFA Represent You? - Issue #6
  • Review: "Balance: the Inclusive Vision of Gender Equality" - Issue #9
  • Booknote: "Multiculturalism And Objectivity," Susan Haack - Issue #13
  • On Being a Woman - Issue #38
Young, Cathy Zakuta, Leo Zizler, Peter Zurawski, Richard Zurcher, Rita
  • Symposium On PC In Neuroscience - Issue #15