Statement on possible boycott of Israeli universities by President and Vice-Chancellor Paul Davenport
June 22, 2007
The boycott of Israeli universities being considered by Britain’s University and College Union (UCU) has filled me with profound dismay and disbelief. Over the last century universities have sought to establish academic freedom as a fundamental value in democratic society, and have fought to protect that freedom from restrictions imposed by government and the greater society. It is tragic to see a group of academics themselves undermining academic freedom by seeking to condemn and isolate a group of faculty because of the country in which they live.
Western will continue to encourage its faculty and students to exchange ideas
and promote understanding with all the peoples and countries of the world. That
exchange of ideas is at the heart of education, research, and the University’s
contribution to society. Scholars and students from Israel and all other
countries will always be welcome on our campus.
The UCU website informs us that the vote on the motion was 155 for, 99 against,
with 17 abstentions. The UCU has over 100,000 members, and it is to be hoped
that the great majority will reject the boycott as a shameful violation of
academic freedom.