Join SAFS | Renew Membership

To Join SAFS or Renew Society Membership:

To Join SAFS:
Please either (a) click the Online Application button, and complete the form


(b) click the PDF Application button, and then download, print and complete the SAFS Membership Application | Renewal Form.

Those applying on-line can now either pay by credit card (over a secure connection), or send a separate cheque.
Online Application:
PDF Application:
To Renew SAFS Membership:
Please either (a) click the Online Application button, and complete the form


(b) click the PDF Application button, and then download, print and complete the SAFS Membership Application | Renewal Form.

Those applying on-line can now either pay by credit card (over a secure connection), or send a separate cheque.
Online Application:
PDF Application:

Membership Dues:

Annual Regular:

$ 25.00

Annual Retirees/Students:





$100 – $299

