SAFS Annual General Meeting-May 11, 2013

April 2013

Saturday May 11th, 2018, 9:00am - 3:15pm

University of Western Ontario, Somerville House, Room 3317

9:00 am - 9:45 am
Registration and refreshments, meet other members
9:45 am - 10:00 Welcome remarks
10:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Mark Mercer, (Saint Mary’s University)

    “Update of Canadian cases of free speech and academic freedom”

  • Frances Widdowson, (Mount Royal University)

    “Diversity, merit, and academic freedom: Deciphering the Orwellian doublespeak”

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Buffet Lunch [in Somerville House - Michael's Garden, Room 3320]
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm Keynote Speaker

Peter Wood, (President, National Association of Scholars)

What Does Bowdoin Teach? An Examination of the Current Content of a Liberal Arts College

2:30 pm - 3:15 pm Annual Business Meeting (members only) (Somerville House, Room 3317)
  • Registration Fees: $30.00 per person, may pay at the door. Members must have paid their dues. (Registration includes coffee and lunch, but not parking.)
  • To confirm attendance (please reply by May 3rd) and for further information: E-mail:, or write to SAFS, 1673 Richmond Street, #344, London, ON, N6G 2N3. For further info contact: Daniella Chirila, e-mail:, or by phone: 519-661-2111, ext. 84690.
  • Getting there: From the 401, take Wellington Road North to its end, then jog one block west to Richmond Street, go north to University gates (on your left), just north of Huron Street. On campus, follow this road over the bridge, turn left at the light and continue to traffic circle. Visitor parking is on your right next to Alumni Hall once you are almost around the circle. Rate: $7.00 flat rate. From Highway 7, take Highway 4 south (it becomes Richmond Street). At the fork after Fanshawe, you can either stay left on Richmond to University gates (now on Richmond St.) as above, or stay right and go down Western Road, turn left at 3rd light (Lambton Drive). Visitor parking is on your right as you enter traffic circle. 3M Centre is across the traffic circle, 2nd building on Oxford Drive. [On Saturday there is usually no one at the Information booths, but check this site for a campus map.] Click on: University Campus Map
  • Accommodation: On-campus rooms at Elgin Hall are $56.00 per night, including breakfast. A modern, air-conditioned residence, situated at University Drive, off Richmond St. North. ( The Station Park on Pall Mall (1-800-561-4574, and Windermere Manor (1-519-858-1414), have UWO rates at ~ $120.00 per night.