- Report of Conference - Clive Seligman
- In Memoriam: Nancy K. Innis & Douglas N. Jackson
- Letter to the Editor: McMaster University Faculty Association Newsletter - Bill Smyth
- On Being a Woman - Judy Wubnig
- Call me Nuts, but PC Language Cripples us - Margaret Wente
- Robert Birgeneau's Legacy at U of T - Martin Loney
- More Diversity Debates at U of T - John Furedy, Vassos Hadzilacos, Philip A. Sullivan
- The Grand Fallacy - Thomas Sowell
- If That's not Racism, What is? Editorial
- Censorship and the CRTC - Editorial
- Canadian University Lifts Suspension of Student Accused of Disrupting Classes - Karen Birchard
- Student Discipline
- How many IRB members does it take to screw in a lightbulb?