- Outraged Responses to Ontario Free Speech Directive Reveal the Problem the Directive is Trying to Solve - Bruce Pardy
- In Memoriam: James Albert DeLater (November 2018)
- In Memoriam: Michael Persinger (26 June 1945 -- 14 August 2018)
- Feminists Assault Science - Philip Carl Salzman
- Academic Freedom Case of Physics Professor Denis Rancourt at the University of Ottawa has been Amicably Resolved on All Matters in Dispute - Denis G. Rancourt
- Review of Campbell and Manning, The Rise of Victimhood Culture - Stephen B. Perrott
- Review of Heather Mac Donald, The Diversity Delusion - Kris Larsen
- Review of Joan Wallach Scott, Knowledge, Power, and Academic Freedom - Tom Flanagan
- Free Speech on Campus and (the Dangers of) Being a Woman at Queen's University - Adèle Mercier
- Ontario's Mathematics Teaching Policies Discriminate Against Poorer Families - Philip A. Sullivan
- Indigenizing Mount Royal's Curricula: The Threat to Academic Freedom, Freedom of Inquiry and Academic Standards - Frances Widdowson
- The Dalhousie Student President Election was no Laughing Matter - Adam J. Lucas, James Lees
- Suffering Student Media - Robert Grant Price
- The Lasting Legacy of the Trojan Horse - Albert Howard
- Hate-Speech and Universities - Mark Mercer